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2008年发表SCI 一览表 (* 通讯作者)


1、Zhi-gang Cai, Jie Zhang, Jian-guo Zhang et al.(作者:蔡志刚*,张杰, 张建国)(IF:0.623)

Evaluation of near infrared spectroscopy in monitoring postoperative regional tissue oxygen saturation for fibular flaps

Journal of Plastic Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery 2008;61: 289-296

2、CAI Zhi-gang, SHI Xiao-jian, GAO Yan et al. (作者:蔡志刚,俞光岩*,王 存玉*)(IF:0.636)

β-catenin expression pattern in primary oral squamous cell carcinoma

Chin Med J 2008;121(19):1866-1870

3、Hui-min Chen, Zhi-gang Cai*, Fu-yun Zhao et al.(作者:陈慧敏,蔡志刚*,赵福运)(IF:0.623)

Reconstruction of a huge oral maxillofacial defect caused by necrotic fasciitis secondary to leukaemia

Journal of Plastic Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery 2008; 61:e1-e5


4、Chen Yan, Lin Ye, Jin Zhen et al.(作者:陈琰,林野*)(IF:2.071)

Neuroplasticity of edentulous patients with implant-supported full dentures

European Journal of Oral Sciences 2008;116:387–393


5、DH Duan, Y Zhang(作者:段登辉*,张益)(IF:1.225)

Does the presence of mandibular third molars increase the risk of angle fracture and simultaneously decrease the risk of condylar fracture?

International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery 2008;37:25-28


6、Yehua Gan, Jian Wang, Joseph Coselli et al. (作者:甘业华*,Xing Li Wang*)(IF:1.200)

Synergistic induction of apoptosis by HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor and histone deacetylases inhibitor in HeLa cells

Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 365 (2008) 386–392


7、Yan Gu; James A. McNamara Jr (作者:谷岩*)(IF:0.972)

Cephalometric Superimpositions A Comparison of Anatomical and Metallic Implant Methods

Angle Orthodontist 2008;78(6):967-976


8、LH Guo, HL Wang, XD Liu, et al.(作者:郭丽宏*)(IF:1.854)

Identification of protein differences between two clinical isolates of Streptococcus mutans by proteomic analysis

Oral Microbiology Immunology 2008;23:105-111


9、Dong Han, Yu Gong, Hua Wu, et al.(作者:韩冬, 冯海兰*)(IF:1.857)

Novel EDA mutation resulting in X-linked non-syndromic hypodontia and the pattern of EDA-associated isolated tooth agenesis

European Journal of Medical Genetics 2008;51:536-546

10、G Li, WER Berkhout, GCH Sanderink, et al.(作者:李刚*)(IF:0.899)

Detection of in vitro proximal caries in storage phosphor plate radiographs scanned with different resolutionss

Dentomaxillofacial Radiology 2008; 37:325-329


11、J LI, T JIANG, H FENG, K, et al.(作者:李健,姜婷*等)(IF:1.200)

The electromyographic activity of masseter and anterior temporalis during orofacial symptoms induced by experimental occlusal highspot

Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2008;35:79-87


12、TJ Li, JW Yuan, XM Gu, et al.(作者:李铁军*)(IF:1.945)

PTCH germline mutations in Chinese nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome patients

Oral Diseases 2008;14:174-179


13、Xiao Li, Qingxian Luan, Xingyu Wang, et al.(作者:李晓,栾庆先*等)(IF:2.086)

Nifedipine Intake Increases the Risk for Periodontal Destruction in Subjects With Type2 Diabetes Mellitus

JOURNAL OF PERIODONTOLOGY 2008;79 (11):2054-2059


Tumor-specific Cytotoxicity and Type of Cell Death Induced by B-Cyclodextrin Benzaldehyde Inclusion Compound


15、YU LIU, HIROSHI SAKAGAMI, OSAMU AMANO, et al.(作者:刘宇)(IF:1.414)

Tumor-specific Cytotoxicity and Type of Cell Death Induced by Peplomycin in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cell Lines

ANTICANCER RESEARCH 2008;28:2197-2204


16、Yunsong Liu, Yongsheng Zhou ,, Hailan Feng, et al.(作者:刘云松,周永胜*,冯海兰等)(IF:6.262)

Injectable tissue-engineered bone composed of human adipose-derived stromal cells and platelet-rich plasma

Biomaterials 2008;29:3338–3345


17、Deng-gao Liu, Wan-lin Zhang, Zu-yan Zhang, et al.(作者:柳登高*,张万林,张祖燕等)(IF:1.592)

Localization of impacted maxillary canines and observation of adjacent incisor resorption with cone-beam computed tomography



18、Luan Qingxian, T Desta, L Chehab, et al.(作者:栾庆先*)(IF:3.496)

Inhibition of experimental periodontitis by a topical boron-based antimicrobial


19、Wenli Ma (作者:马文利)(IF:1.093)

Basketball players' experience of dental injury and awareness about mouthguard in China

Dental Traumatology 2008;24:430-434


20、Qin Man, Li Jing, Zhang Sun, et al.(作者:秦满*,李静,张笋等)(IF:1.622)
Risk Factors for Severe Early Childhood Caries in Children Younger Than 4 Years Old
PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY 2008;30(2):122-128


21、Dong Shi, HuanXin Meng, Li Xu, et al.(作者:释栋, 孟焕新*) (IF:2.086)
Systemic Inflammation Markers in Patients With Aggressive Periodontitis:A Pilot Study

Journal of  Periodontology 2008;79:2340-2346


22、Li-Sha Sun, Zhi-Peng Sun, Xu-Chen Ma, et al.(作者:孙丽莎,孙志鹏,马旭臣,李铁军*) (IF:1.806)

Glial Choristoma in the Oral and Maxillofacial Region
Archives of Patholology & Laboratory Medicine 2008;132:984–988

23、LS Sun, XF Li, TJ Li (作者:孙丽莎,李雪芬,李铁军*) (IF:3.496)

PTCH1 and SMO Gene Alterations in Keratocystic Odontogenic Tumors



24、SUN Rui, ZHANG Jian-gang and GUO Chuan-bin (作者:孙睿, 郭传瑸*)(IF:0.636)

Establishment of cervical lymph node metastasis model of squamous cell carcinoma in the oral cavity in mice

Chinese Medical Journal 2008; 121(19):1891-1895


25、Tang X, Meng H, Han J, et al.(作者:唐晓琳, 孟焕新*)(IF:2.146)

Up-regulation of estrogen receptor-b expression during osteogenic differentiation of human

Journal of Periodontal Research 2008; 43: 311–321


26、XZ Wang, B Fan, Liu DG, et al.(作者:王新知, 范彬, 柳登高, 邓旭亮*)(IF:1.280)

In vitro inhibition of oral Candida albicans by chicken egg yolk antibody (IgY)

MYCOPATHOLOGIA 2008;165:381-387


27、Bin Xiang, Yan Zhang, Yu-Ming Li, et al.(作者:向彬,吴立玲*,俞光岩*)(IF:2.749)

Phenylephrine protects autotransplanted rabbit submandibular gland from apoptosis

Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2008;377:210-214

28、Fengxia Xing, Shenglin Li, Xiyuan Ge, et al.(作者:邢风霞,李盛琳*,葛兮源等)(IF:2.569)

The inhibitory effect of a novel organoselenium compound BBSKE on the tongue cancer Tca8113 in vitro and in vivo

Oral Oncology 2008; 44:963-969


29、Tian-Min Xu, Edward L. Korn, Yan Liu, et al.(作者:许天民)(IF:1.126)

Facial attractiveness: Ranking of end-of-treatment facial photographs by pairs of Chinese and US orthodontists



30、G.-Y. Yu, Y. Gao, X. Peng, et al.(作者:俞光岩*,高岩, 彭歆等)(IF:1.225)

A clinicopathologic study on basaloid squamous cell carcinoma in the oral and maxillofacial region.

International Journal of Oral Maxillofacial Surgery 2008;37:1003-1008


31、YU Guang-yan(作者:俞光岩*)(IF:0.636)

Oral cancer: the current status and strategies of its management.

Chinese Medical Journal 2008; 121(19):1859-1860


32、C. Zhang, J. Chang, W. Sonoyama, et al.(作者:张成飞, 王存玉*)(IF:3.496)

Inhibition of Human Dental Pulp Stem Cell Differentiation by Notch Signaling.



33、J. Zhang, J. G. Zhang, T. L. Song, et al. (作者:张杰*)(IF:1.225)

125 seed implant brachytherapy-assisted surgery with preservation of the facial nerve for treatment of malignant parotid gland tumors.

International Journal of Oral Maxillofacial Surgery 2008; 37: 515–520

34、ZHANG Xiang-hao, SUN Feng, WANG Huan, et al.(作者:张相嗥, 王欢*)(IF:0.636)

Fatigue cyclic loading test of an auro-galvanoforming ceramic bridge.

Chinese Medical Journal 2008;121(19):1896-1899


35、Xiaolin Zhang, Chengjie Li, Qizhi Liao, et al.(作者:张筱林,Peter A. Reichart*)(IF:1.711)

Areca chewing in Xiangtan, Hunan province, China: interviews with chewers.

Journal of Oral Pathology and Medicine 2008; 37: 423–429


36、Shaoxia Pan, Manal Awad, J. Mark Thomason, et al.(作者:潘韶霞, Jocelyne S. Feine*)(IF:1.995)

Sex differences in denture satisfaction.

JOURNAL OF DENTISTRY 2008;36:301-308


37、Li-Li Chen, Tian-Min Xu, Jiu-Hui Jiang, et al.(作者:陈莉莉,许天民,江久汇,林久祥*)(IF:1.126)

Quantitative cervical vertebral maturation assessment in adolescents with normal occlusion: A mixed longitudinal study.

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics 2008;134:720.e1-702.e7

38、Haichao Jia; Weiran Li; Jiuxiang Lin (作者:贾海潮, 李巍然, 林久祥*)(IF:0.972)

Maxillary Protraction Effects on Anterior Crossbites.

ANGLE ORTHODODONTIST 2008;78(4):617-624

39、Song Lin, Qing Cai, Jianying Ji, et al.(作者:邓旭亮*)(IF:2.171)

Electrospun nanofiber reinforced and toughened composites through in situ nano-interface formation.

Composites Science and Technology 2008;68:3322-3329

40、XL Deng(作者:邓旭亮*)(IF:4.169)

Improved biologicalcharacteristics of poly(L-lactic acid) electrospun membrane by incorporation of multiwalled carbon nanotubes/hydroxyapatite nanoparticles.

BIOMACROMOLECULES 2007;8, 3729–3735

41、SC Wei(作者:魏世成*)(IF:0.224)
Clinical investigation for bilateral cleft lip repair: Modified functional bilateral cleft lip cheilorrhaphy.